Dissolved Oxygen - Simple to operate
- Accurate and cost effective alternative to test kits
- No probes necessary
Dissolved oxygen is needed for the survival and growth of fish, vegetation, bacteria and aquatic organisms. The absence of oxygen permits anaerobic decay of organic matter and the production of toxic material in water. Low levels of oxygen are normally indicative of serious pollution in fresh and ground water. In the human environment, water must contain at least 2 mg/L of oxygen to protect water pipes from corrosion. On the other hand, D.O. can be associated with corrosive and photosynthetic activity and as a result, it must be excluded from boiler feed water. The HANNA instruments® HI 93732N is a custom-made, microprocessor colorimetric D.O. meter. Pre-standardized reagents are supplied in liquid form for higher speed and accuracy. To take a measurement, simply zero your sample and oxidize it with the liquid reagents. Then, place the cuvet inside the meter and read D.O. from 0 to 10 mg/L in tenths of ppm.
HI 93732N is supplied complete with 60 mL BOD bottle, 2 cuvets, caps, 9V battery and instructions. |
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